Saturday, July 17, 2021

Little Joy: Lavalove and Hair

It was off to Little Joy to catch Lavalove and Hair on a Tuesday night.

Lavalove is a perfectly named band, because the music so aligns with the band name. The music is as hot as lava, but as soothing as love. This four female band has you thinking back to a former Los Angeles band called Summer Twins (the duo twins now perform under Chelsea Rose and Easy Love). The vocals are youthful while the music carries a minimalist feel. What did I notice: when wanting to take some photos of the drummer, I could have sworn that the bassist edged away just a touch to allow me to have a cleaner angle.


Hair came on next with some 1970s rocking music and . . . hair. Well, maybe just one of the band members has the 70s hair look down. The music had you pumped up and the band put on a stage show to match. The guitar and bass were swung in every direction that was possibly allowed on the small Little Joy stage. And the drummer locked in the corner of the stage was hitting those cymbals with all his might.


The two bands were like polar opposites: low key pop tunes versus rocking stage action. Yet, both were so solid and made for an excellent night of music.

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