Sunday, May 30, 2021

Online Quarantine Sets: Version 98

I am slowly approaching 100 of these online quarantine set reports. Let's hope I stop at or around 100. As can be seen via my recent quarantine reports, my favorite 2021 hangout is School Night. This past Monday night, Cannons opened it up with a, "Hey we're Cannons." Then they went into their set, starting out with some distorted sounds before settling into their dreamy pop music. Their guitar and bass playing has a haunting hypnotic tone. Their set was recorded at The Bourbon Room, which they mentioned was supposed to be the set for the Rock of Ages play. The play was shut down due to the start of COVID-19. The Bourbon Room had the red lights flooding the stage -- such anti-photographer light.


Up next was the band Gilligan Moss. My first thought was: this is going to be interesting. They recorded their set out in nature (someone's back yard, maybe). There was a bird feeder above the band, hanging from a tree branch. One wore a fisherman's hat. They played on a rug while sitting on two wooden chairs. My second thought was: this is a real artsy sound. Then to make it even more interesting, a couple dogs came over and then ran off and then came back into view again. Their music reminded me of Mickey Hart's (drummer for the Grateful Dead) solo work.

Gilligan Moss

Valentina Cy closed it out with a true live set. She had a most enthusiastic personality as she talked to host Chris Douridas. Then when she started to sing I (along with many others in the chat) were blown away, "Where did that voice come from?" There was a blues quality to her voice with a light touch on the guitar. For one song, she had a friend snapping their fingers off stage to keep the beat. 

What did I notice: she wore red / white boots that had a cowboy circus quality to them.

What did I notice next: She mentioned during her Q&A that people used to think she had a chipmunk high voice and that she worked hard to lower her voice. This sort of explains why many of us were saying, "Where did the voice come from?"

Valentina Cy

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