Monday, May 10, 2021

New Music Alert: JAAG's Tenacity

JAAG has a new song called :Tenacity.: What catches your attention is the dynamic range that occurs in this 3 minute and 32 second song. At one moment, you're hearing Southern rock that transition to gospel for just a brief second before heading into beat poetry. It then explodes into a cacophony of fireworks. The music and vocals capture your attention and never lets go.

Lyrics highlight: "Is there a fate I can't escape, holding me fast in the fire I wait." Do we have self-determination or are we destined to be molded for a certain purpose? Or perhaps we're driven in a specific direction and we just build our talents until that moment arrives?

Per his biography, JAAG is Jeremiah Gray from Newbury Park, CA. He studied classical voice and theory at Moorpark College and has a BA in Music Composition and Production from California Lutheran University. Those vocal courses definitely shine through in "Tenacity."

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