Sunday, March 8, 2020

Quick Hit Band Interview: Skippin Stoned

Skippin Stoned at The Smell
Interview with the band. Enjoy:

How would you describe your music? We see ourselves as a psychedelic progressive punk band bringing a trippy twist to a heavier groove.

Other than Los Angeles, where could you see yourself living/playing music and why? We are actually getting ready to take our sound up to Humboldt County in two weeks. We would like to see how we fair to a crowd who might like a different take on their heavily influenced psychedelic scene. Aside from that anywhere! Our keyboardist Jamil is from Nicaragua and we would be stoked to check out the central American scene if we can make it happen!

Own final thoughts: Influences. We all came from different backgrounds of music . . . genres like metal, funk, grunge, Latin music and hip hop, all will poke through in our sound!

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