Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Quick Hit Band Interview: Opus Vitae

Opus Vitae at The Hi Hat
Interview with the band. Enjoy:

What is currently inspiring your music? Music and writing has always been a therapeutic thing for me, the act of expression and trying to get an idea or feeling out into a song is what drives me. The tunes we've been playing live are from a record I wrote about a very crazy year I had. So they’re inspired by my personal life but also our collective challenges as people in this sometimes beautiful and sometimes often messed up world.

I noticed how the musicians switched around to various instruments throughout the set. How do you go about making determinations on how that is all done? So I wrote and recorded our record solo, and I held a few private listening parties and my old band came and they really liked the record. We decided to take it live. Because the record is super sonically dense and diverse it was a really big challenge to figure out how to bring it live without compromise. It was essentially reverse engineering and problem solving to figure out who would play what and when, and how to make everything happen as seamlessly as possible. I chose based on my band’s different strengths and also just logistically who can get to what instrument.

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