Thursday, March 12, 2020

Quick Hit Band Interview: Love Nothing

Love Nothing at The Satellite
Interview with the band. Enjoy:

What's the story behind how the band started? After several failed bands we all kinda came together and decided we were tired of being in bands that didn’t care or didn’t put the time and energy into the music. We’re all incredibly passionate people and we wanted to play music that reflected that passion.

What is your favorite Love Nothing lyric and what about it makes it so special? My favorite lyric is “throw it all away now, leave no trace at all, you gave it all to Jesus, locked it in your dresser drawer.” It’s from our newly released single “American Spirit” and it’s about how the current political divide in our country is dividing us even in our personal relationships with people. In this instance, it’s about how someone close to me seems to have so much love for their religion that they seem to have no more compassion to give to those around them.

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