Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Jen Awad

Jen Awad at The Echo

Interview with the artist. Enjoy:

Is there a story behind when you knew you wanted to become a singer? Ummm, I always wanted to be a singer, but I knew it wasn’t a lucrative route. So I decided to try out fashion design. I wanted be John Galliano. However, that was a really difficult career and so I realized if I had the stamina to run two clothing lines, I sure as fuck could sing.

How would you like your music to impact people who listen to your music or see you play live? I want people to feel uplifted and encouraged to express themselves freely. I want to create a vulnerable environment where ppl can be honest with each other and more importantly...honest with themselves. I want my crowd to take a good hard look in the mirror and give it a kiss. I want everyone to leave feeling excited about their lives and that when I’m up there up there singing for them it’s to let them know that everything is gonna be amazing! I sing about sad, funny weird situations cuz I want everyone to know they’re not alone in all their weird sad funny situations.

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