Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Dylan Rodrigue

Dylan Rodrigue at The Hi Hat
Interview with the artist. Enjoy:

What is currently influencing you in creating your music? Currently, I am interested in trying to dissect the human experience in music. We are such a confusing and complicated species and a lot of what I have been writing about is simply questioning why we all do the things we do. We are capable of such amazing and horrifying things, both of which I am very much interested in. Lately, this results in some songs that reflect on certain extremes that may be disturbing to some people at first glance. I tend to be of the opinion that it’s better to piss someone off with what I do than to leave them bored. More often than not, I find that the things that disturb me are the things I’m most fascinated with.

For you and your music future, how would you define success? I would like to be able to make a reasonable living touring with music. I really try not to spend too much time measuring my own success. My main goals are to be able to keep playing and writing music, growing as a musician, and to be as good of a person as I possibly can. I have found that it’s always good to keep in mind how much you have to be grateful for. The more I take what I have for granted, the more I think of success as some intangible thing that’s always just out of reach. Life is hard already and I have no desire to make it harder for myself. I’m trying to live in the now like all of them Buddhists.

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