Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Echo: Brass Box with Bob Villain, Foie Gras and THIEF

This was the final night of the Brass Box residency at The Echo. Lead singer Ammo is also in a band called Black Flamingo, which dates back to 2010-ish. Anyone who follows me on Instagram knows that I love Black Flamingo and the various offshoots from that band, which includes Draemers and Black Box. To me, Brass Box has the sound that best reflects the Gothic sounds of Black Flamingo. That, of course, means I have a special place in my heart for Brass Box.

I do have to admit I felt a bit out of place at The Echo on this particular night. I felt like I was in the distinct minority of individuals who wasn't dressed in all black. Yet it didn't really matter all that much. The driving goth sounds of Brass Box sent shivers up my spine.

Brass Box
Supporting Brass Box were some solid artists/bands that I was coming across for the first time. Opening up the night was Bob Villain. He came up on stage and one had to look at his hands. Attached to both hands were tree branches that extended a good two feet or so. His fashion sense made you think of a mythical forest creature from Lord of the Rings. Then he started to sing and I was blown away. Seriously, it is like Neil Diamond decided to dress as a forest creature. Bob Villain's vocals are gold.

Bob Villain
Foie Gras with red lipstick smeared across her lips and a powdered white face, I immediately thought about Harley Quinn. Of course, based on her video "Psychic Sobriety," maybe she was meaning to come across as an old fashion Gothic vampire -- but dressed in white versus black. It was a fascinating set that ended all too soon.

Foie Gras
THIEF ended the night diverting into some metal tunes. Ammo happened to mention to me that she's teaming up with one of the members on a new project. I'll have to keep an eye out for it. She was definitely enthusiastic as THIEF pounded their way through their set.


Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Jen Awad

Jen Awad at The Echo

Interview with the artist. Enjoy:

Is there a story behind when you knew you wanted to become a singer? Ummm, I always wanted to be a singer, but I knew it wasn’t a lucrative route. So I decided to try out fashion design. I wanted be John Galliano. However, that was a really difficult career and so I realized if I had the stamina to run two clothing lines, I sure as fuck could sing.

How would you like your music to impact people who listen to your music or see you play live? I want people to feel uplifted and encouraged to express themselves freely. I want to create a vulnerable environment where ppl can be honest with each other and more importantly...honest with themselves. I want my crowd to take a good hard look in the mirror and give it a kiss. I want everyone to leave feeling excited about their lives and that when I’m up there up there singing for them it’s to let them know that everything is gonna be amazing! I sing about sad, funny weird situations cuz I want everyone to know they’re not alone in all their weird sad funny situations.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Oddnesse

Oddnesse at The Hi Hat
Interview with the artist. Enjoy:

What is currently influencing your music? Classic pop songwriting, lush vocal harmonies, dramatic synth lines, earthy guitars and percussion.

What’s your favorite set/tour story or memory? Echo Park Rising last year was the most fun I ever had playing a show. I was so amped that I stayed out until sunrise that night, rare for LA and pretty much unheard of for me.

Own final thoughts: I used to make electronic music. Grey Goon calls me the velocity queen for the precision with which I will sit there and edit the bass midi. About half our tracks have programmed bass. I am not ashamed.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Quick Hit Band Interview: Fell Runner

Fell Runner at The Echo
Interview with the band. Enjoy:

What's the story behind how the band formed? We formed at CalArts while we were studying music. It started out as a bit of an experiment in incorporating some of the ideas we were inspired by from Ghanian Ewe music. It has blossomed from there into a band where any influence and direction feels like fair game. That's what keeps it interesting to us.

For the band and its future, how would you define success? It feels like a success to be playing music with friends for people that want to hear it, so the more of that the better.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Chinatown Summer Nights 2019: June Edition

I've been going to Chinatown Summer Nights for years. I'm seen some great bands there like Eastern Conference Champions, Dorothy and Lauren Ruth Ward. This summer series is always on my list. The first night of this 2019 summer series occurred on a recent Saturday night. I was able to catch:
JEMSLijieMark Diamond and syd B.

The biggest surprise of the night was syd B who closed out the night for me. She just has this smooth soul sound that is very addicting. She also had two young fans that were likely related to her and just loved her. Before the set, I saw one of them going up to her and hugging her leg tight. It was so cute. Like all the artists that I saw, syd B had a hard time convincing folks to leave the beer garden and come up to the stage (though she did have folks packing the front of the beer garden). With her two young fans, they followed her request to come closer to the stage. They spent the set running to the front of the stage for a song and then running back to their parents and then running back to the stage.

syd B
Mark Diamond was also a pleasant surprise. His vocals are so pure and lyrics thoughtfully written. I do believe his girlfriend was in the audience and when he started one song, I swear I saw her say to a friend, "That song is about me." The band played at the golden hour. For the first part of their set, the sun was blinding the members of the band, but by the end the sun had slipped below the building that was next to the stage, which resulted in the golden lights of the fading sun. A wonderful backdrop for his music.

Mark Diamond
Opening up the day was JEMS. I previously caught about half their set at a Wild Riot event. Their music is a shared experience between the three members of the band. The harmony between the three is as perfect as one can get.

Lijie hit the keys and guitar for her set. I did a little research online and saw that she co-wrote a song called "Glorious," which was sung by Adam Friedman. I noticed that the sound is very similar to a band that I love called Wild. It is an anthem for looking on the brighter side of life. And I think you'd be correct to assume that Lijie's set was filled with the same positive energy.


Thursday, June 13, 2019

School Night: BIIANCO with LA Force, Jesse Ruben and MADI

Gabby from Smoke Season has created a solo project called BIIANCO. I got to catch her set at School Night and it was a thrill. I wasn't the only one thrilled by the set. Throughout the 30 minutes, people were screaming out: Gabby! Gabby! Gabby! As her backing instruments, she had a keyboard and electronic drum set. Occasionally, she'd play both at the same time. Those electronic sounds was layered with controlled vocals that floated just above the beats. Adding to it all were Gabby's artsy dance moves and visuals on a large screen TV.

She was joined on stage by MetronOhm's Annabelle on violin for a song and Tolliver on vocals for another.

Opening the night was Jesse Ruben with a singer-songwriter set. He mentioned how he had to take 3 years off from performing and writing due to Lyme disease. After taking so much time off from performing and writing, he was thrilled when he returned to writing, "I still got it." He also joked about how the other three performers all got to say this was their Los Angeles debut. Unfortunately for him, he had once performed at Hotel Cafe and didn't qualify for that label.

Jesse Ruben
La Force came on stage next. La Force is Ariel Engle of Broken Social Scene. She was back by her husband. From what I can tell from social media, Broken Social Scene tore it up for 3 days at the Fonda starting a couple days after this set. On this night, she brought some indie pop sounds to the School Night audience. She sprinkled in short comments such as when she told her mother she was pregnant, her mother responded, "You'll never be alone again."

La Force
MADI closed out the night. Her set started a few minutes late as her drummer was dealing with technical difficulties. During those times, I couldn't help but notice the amusing side eyes she gave the sound guy as he attempted to figure out what the issue was. After it got worked out, she closed the night out with some grooving dance sounds.


Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Dylan Rodrigue

Dylan Rodrigue at The Hi Hat
Interview with the artist. Enjoy:

What is currently influencing you in creating your music? Currently, I am interested in trying to dissect the human experience in music. We are such a confusing and complicated species and a lot of what I have been writing about is simply questioning why we all do the things we do. We are capable of such amazing and horrifying things, both of which I am very much interested in. Lately, this results in some songs that reflect on certain extremes that may be disturbing to some people at first glance. I tend to be of the opinion that it’s better to piss someone off with what I do than to leave them bored. More often than not, I find that the things that disturb me are the things I’m most fascinated with.

For you and your music future, how would you define success? I would like to be able to make a reasonable living touring with music. I really try not to spend too much time measuring my own success. My main goals are to be able to keep playing and writing music, growing as a musician, and to be as good of a person as I possibly can. I have found that it’s always good to keep in mind how much you have to be grateful for. The more I take what I have for granted, the more I think of success as some intangible thing that’s always just out of reach. Life is hard already and I have no desire to make it harder for myself. I’m trying to live in the now like all of them Buddhists.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Xuan

Xuan at The Satellite
Interview with the artist. Enjoy:

When did you know you wanted to be a musician? In Kindergarten. I wanted to be a musician and I wanted to kiss Danny Parrot.

What’s a dream venue or festival you’d love to play at and what about it intrigues you? Newport Folk Festival - damn good songwriters only.

Own final thoughts: Who knows when an alligator could bite your face off, so I really do try to put on a fun show like it’s the last damn show I’m ever going to do.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Troubadour: The Final Child with Thomas Ian Nicholas, Alisan Porter and Brian Buckley Band

I've wanted to catch Final Child since I ran into Jennifer (lead singer) at The Hi Hat back in February when she told me she had this new project. I've followed Jennifer's music career for a few years now. I first ran across her in the folk driven sounds of Bloke and Bird. For Final Child, she switches genres to some dance driven sounds. For Bloke and Bird, I caught her sets on very small stages such as Harvard and Stone. The much larger stage of The Troubadour definitely worked to her advantage, giving her the opportunity to put on a solid stage show.

Final Child

The night also included some notables. Thomas Ian Nicholas and his band hit the stage. Yes, Kevin of the American Pie series. I figured that after so many years, he might not be thrilled about being known as that Kevin, but he more than embraced it by ending the set playing a couple songs from the soundtracks. It was also cool that he let rock campers back him for a song.

Thomas Ian Nicholas
Alisan Porter is another notable who won The Voice in 2016. I'll admit that I don't watch The Voice so I had no clue who she was until I googled her name after the show. Of course, I had to google her name because her vocals were pristine. What an amazing singer-songwriter. The audience knew who she was and demanded an encore.

Alisan Porter
Brian Buckley Band closed out the night. Though he was following Final Child, Thomas Ian Nicholas and Alisan Porter, this night belonged to him. There is an earnest honesty to his music. It doesn't matter if the subject deals with his love of his wife or about his political passions. One particular story he told was about how his wife was dealing with some pain (he didn't specify). He ended up writing a song about this. When his wife was listening to the album, she immediately knew that that particular song was meant for her. So touching.

Brian Buckley Band

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Hotel Cafe: Ladypalooza

I noticed a last minute request from Lauren Lakis, asking if there were any photographers available for a late night gig of hers. I hadn't gotten a chance to catch her yet in 2019 yet and there is just something addicting about those dark moody sounds. With that, I volunteered to shoot the set. I'm glad I did, because I got to catch a couple other amazing musicians.

Up first, was Ariana Tibi. I wrote a blog post recently where I mentioned that I've wanted to catch Georgi Kay for awhile and was finally able to catch a set at The Hi Hat. Well, for Ariana Tibi, we seem to have similar music tastes, because I've seen her around various Los Angeles music venues. I just never knew she was a musician. Her set was filled with wonderful folk sounds.

She also had her band, Luci, join her for a couple songs. That's led to a little tidbit of a story behind their song, "White Horse." The song is about saying no thanks to knights in shining armor. It was mentioned that when they were writing the song in Ariana's apartment, a plumber was working in the apartment, fixing various issues. Of course, needing help on maintenance isn't the point of the song.

Ariana Tibi
Only on Tuesdays lead singer Autumn is the person running Ladypalooza. Autumn was sporting dyed blue hair and arm tattoos while wearing a flower patterned dress. I honestly wasn't sure what to expect from her set. Punk rock? Maybe an edgier version of Katy Perry? I was surprised by some storybook melody tunes. That doesn't mean that the band can't blast it out on some songs with Autumn powering out solid vocals.

Only on Tuesdays
Lauren Lakis closed out the night for me with an 11:30 p.m. set. Her band had some fun with the MC. When introducing Lauren, the MC totally messed up the pronunciation of Lauren's last name. For a moment, I was wondering if perhaps I was saying her last name wrong. Apparently, Lauren had quietly corrected the MC, because after the set the MC came up on stage and gave the correct pronunciation. Of course, she tossed the band members under the bus for playing a trick on her.

Lauren Lakis

Monday, June 3, 2019

The Satellite: Harry Katz and The Pistachios with Rambling Ways

I decided to catch the final night of Harry Katz and The Pistachios' residency night on a chilly last Monday of May. The music that night warmed things up.

Opening up was the thrilling sounds of Rambling Ways. They have those drug induced sounds of the 70s. I felt like I was floating two feet above the ground. Throw in some organ sounds. Add in a bassist who knows how to entertain. Then cap it off with a drummer who spins his sticks. That's 30 minutes of entertainment.

Rambling Ways
Harry Katz and The Pistachios had a bowl of pistachios stage left. When I first noticed the bowl, I was tempted to take a handful. The band is led by their lead singer's gravel vocals, but let's not forget that brass section that brings up images of skirts twirling and shoes tapping. Counterpoint to the brass section are soprano vocal support that punctuates the beats. And this band, they love to smile. That just shows their joy for the music.

Harry Katz and The Pistachios

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Quick Hit Artist Interview: RF Shannon

RF Shannon at Harvard & Stone

Interview with the artist. Enjoy:

What's the story behind when you knew you wanted to be a musician? I decided to become a musician when I devoted myself to make sense of a world that is coming unhinged. No other pursuits seem to bring satisfaction to my soul in a way that I can bring my best self into existence.

What inspires you to write/compose your songs? I’m inspired by a responsibility to question the structures of so called reality, and bring a vibe of “something else,” still trying to figure out what that something else is.