Monday, July 30, 2018

Resident to Chinatown Summer Nights: Saturday Adventure

This was a day of diverse music. The Resident was doing free Saturday afternoon shows. The Paranoyds played one afternoon, which I happened to miss. I wasn't going to miss Feels. I hadn't seen Feels since March 2017. That's well over a year! But I have to say in some ways it wasn't that long of a time frame. Shannon Lay has been doing sets across Los Angeles and I saw more than a handful of them. Laena Geronimo backed her up on a number of those nights -- if not all of those nights. Also, Laena is in a band called, which I saw during their recent residency. So yes, it was forever since I last saw Feels, but I've been keeping up with the various projects of the band.

For this set at the Resident, they played outdoors on the patio. This actually got me excited due to how things were set up. The area they were playing required the drum set to be set up at the front of the stage. This meant I'd get some photos of the drummer. It is always cool to be able to snap some easy shots of the drummer.

This psychedelic punk band was having fun during this set. There were smiles and on the spot self commentary throughout the set. I believe for one song Laena wasn't able to get her guitar adjusted corrected so put it aside and just did the front woman singing portion of it. At the end, bassist Amy replied, "That was the censored version of the song." And then another time, Laena looked over at Michael on drums and said, "You're playing into the sun." The familiarity that comes from a band that has played together for years. The crowd wanted an encore. The band was discussing possible song options, but then the DJ started up the tracks and that ended any potential encore.

 From there, it was off to Chinatown Summer Nights to catch a few artists/bands.

La Louma was playing as I walked over to the LA Weekly stage. She's a singer-songwriter. During the set, she used three different instruments. A flute, a guitar, and another string instrument that I'm unsure of the name. Funny moment of the set actually came in at the end. She accidentally started the song with the wrong instrument and she'd already started her backing track. Well, that threw her off the mark so she replied, "Since 98% of you are friends and family, I'm going to just restart it all."

La Louma
Cosmos and Creature brought the electric dance pop. And I have to say, I wasn't sure who was Cosmos and who was Creature. This band put on the dance moves.

Comment of the night: Thanks for hanging with us. It's been really fun. I'm really sweaty."

Cosmos and Creature

Krys Wright changed things up with some RnB. Throughout the set, she made sure we knew how to spell Krys. Let's be honest, it isn't the standard way to spell out Chris or Kris. She also blew away the audience with some stylish vocals that combined a bit of Paula Abdul with Sade.

Krys Wright
Iconique closed out the night for me. There was actually a delayed arrival. The MC announced that Iconique was coming on stage. A moment passed. Another moment passed. Nothing. Than out ran one of the musicians to turn on the introduction tape. That started off 30 plus minutes of disco dancing. Front man Leo just doesn't stop moving. It actually made it hard to focus my camera on him. The show also included a full wardrobe change with Leo running off to a tent to make the change.

I have to say, the audience loved it. Fans were out in full, dancing to their full content.

What did I notice: before the band started, a couple folks wanted to come up to the stage, but then one of them said, "Let's stay back here and let the photographers have their space."


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