Thursday, July 26, 2018

Quick Hit Band Interview: illuminati hotties

illuminati hotties at the Echoplex
Interview with the band. Enjoy:

What’s the story behind how you started out as a band/artist? I have always been writing lil songs here and there, and started to regularly write toward the end of high school. As a producer & engineer, I found songwriting to be an integral part of my craft - it's essential to running successful sessions when an artist is in the studio. illuminati hotties really came about when I noticed that my songs were following certain patterns that I loved, and I thought it would be cool to make a record as sort of a calling-card to my production work. I was encouraged by several close friends to start playing the songs out as well, and as soon as I got on stage I caught the artist bug. I buckled down on playing out around LA a bunch and finishing the album with my friend Collin Pastore, who is my voice of reason and an amazing soundsmith in his own right. Once I had a finished product, I was fortunate enough to catch the ears of the label Tiny Engines, and the rest took off from there. It's so wonderful to be in a place where I can combine studio work with performance so naturally, and I'm excited to see where this project takes me!

What inspires you to write/compose your songs? So many things! Inspiration can be so fickle and insincere, so I try to combat the irregularity of the muses by being an expert observer. I've collected so many small moments by watching the world around me, and engaging with the people or surroundings nearby (or far away!). I try to write at least a small something, even just a line of lyric or a short riff, every day. The practice of writing things down, no matter how "good" or "inspired" they are, has generated a lot of ideas that eventually show up in songs. Mostly though, the practice of noticing and internalizing has really informed my music.

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