Saturday, July 14, 2018

Quick Hit Band Interview: Fenster

Fenster at The Hi Hat
Interview with the band. Enjoy:

What’s the story behind how you started out as a band? A window fell on JJ's head and we wanted to travel the world.

As you're from Berlin . . . if a Los Angeles music fan wanted to explore the Berlin music scene, what suggestions would you give? Well, Berlin is known to be kind of the Mecca of techno and electronic music at the moment. But there is definitely more than that. The city has tiny pockets of different music scenes run by passionate people. Go to events organized by Shameless/Limitless, Neukölln Country Club, Weeeirdos, or iMAD. Check out venues like Internet Explorer, Loophole, Schokoladen, Spektrum. There is a pretty eclectic music scene coming from all over the world! When in Berlin, you should check out the awesome zine The Chop.

Own comments: We are writing this interview in the car on I-15 South on the way from Las Vegas to LA where we played the last show of our first ever West Coast tour.

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