Friday, March 2, 2018

STAL at The Study Hollywood (includes interview)

STAL at The Study Hollywood
I got an invitation by Sideways Media to catch STAL at The Study Hollywood. I'd never seen STAL nor been to The Study Hollywood so I decided to go check things out. The inside of The Study Hollywood is fascinating. Books line the walls of the bar, bottom to top. I went to see if one could pull out the books, but they're glued in place. It makes sense as you don't want books flying all over the place during an earthquake. On the other hand, wouldn't it be fun if there was a little reading space? I suppose it would be hard to concentrate on reading when bands are playing.

STAL took the stage a little after 9 p.m. There was a nice crowd for the band. I'm always a bit surprised when this happens for a 9 p.m. band. STAL is fronted by Pierre Marie-Maulini, who spent 2 years traveling with M83. His sound had some catchy dance hooks with him switching between keys and guitar.

Disaster struck towards the end of the set. There was a bang. I looked over and saw that their computer had come crashing down onto the floor. It fell about 4 feet. That was it. The show had to end. Hopefully, the computer didn't totally die on them.

The following is an interview I did with the band:

How would you describe your sound? I'd say it's a mix of everything I love from pop to post rock and even cinematic tracks. Let's say cinematic post Pop!

For the band and its future, how would you define success? Getting more fans on our socials, Spotify and above all touring all the year would mean we're on the right way.

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