Monday, March 26, 2018

Broke LA Preview: 2018 Lineup and Interviews

Broke LA 2018 is just around the corner, Saturday (4/21) and Sunday (4/22). Above is the lineup. This year, they're going to hold their festival over two days. They're also teaming up with Spaceland and will be holding their festival at The Regent. One awesome part of the move to DTLA is that The Regent is within a couple blocks of a Red Line stop.

Also, I should mention that my Quick Hit Band Interviews are inspired by Broke LA. Broke LA holds a media day and I've always done an interview or two on that day. I had a lot of fun doing the interviews and it dawned on me that maybe I didn't have to do interviews just once a year, but I could do it throughout the year. I've ended up doing well north of 200 interviews. This year, Broke LA Festival has four bands on the schedule that I've interviewed.

Below are the interviews along with the dates they were conducted:

Holy Wars - June 2017

How would you describe your sound? Our sound has been described by others as intense, loud, raw and honest.

Your set was just full of entertainment. So just wondering: what’s your favorite part of your sets? I don't know if I have a favorite part in particular but I always love the moment when I can really let loose and vibe off the audience. That does tend to happen a lot in our closing song called "nothing" where I encourage the audience to move with me and the band just goes off. I also love those moments where sometimes you can hear a pin drop and it becomes a dance between us and the audience where none of us know what's going to happen next. Overall, it's important to me to really get across the message of our music and a voice for the lost and the abandoned.

Holy Wars at Echo Park Rising

MetronOhm - January 2018

How would you describe your sound? Chocolate covered velvet bliss cookies.

Do you have a favorite music-themed movie, tv show, book, etc? And then of course, why the choice? What Happened, Miss Simone? Because her level of innovation, tenacity and love for her craft is contagious!

MetronOhm at The Satellite

SAÍGO - February 2018

How would you describe your sound? I make future soul music, infusing R&B, electronica, and pop sensibilities.

How would you like your music to impact people who listen or see you play live? My primary mission is to heal and promote awareness. My intention is to create a positive communion between all those present and instigate thought.

Own Q&A. What's your favorite dinosaur? Stegosaurus.

Saigo at the Bootleg Theater

VŌX - June 2016

How would you describe your sound? angelsounds.

Other than Los Angeles, where could you see yourself living and why? I grew up in a place with dramatic seasons, so I could definitely see myself moving back to somewhere like that. Snow and rain give you a right to be down, and creatives need that downtime more than anyone else.

VOX at The Satellite

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