Thursday, March 8, 2018

Burger-A-Go-Go Tour at 1720 Warehouse

It was off to a new venue called 1720 to catch the Burger-A-Go-Go tour. This was a double first. First, I've never attended one of Burger-A-Go-Go's tours. Second, this was my first time at the new 1720 venue. Getting to the venue was interesting. I knew it was on 16th St off Alameda. As I was driving down Alameda, it suddenly dawned on me that 1720 was reasonably close to The Blue Star. The Blue Star used to have punk shows at night. I used to hang out there once every 3 months or so. With that realization, I ended up driving right past 16th St. Ha ha.

Reflections. There is a tangential connection between my random thoughts as I drove to 1720 and the music night. 

The crowd was an interesting mix of youth and age. What drove the diverse crowd? Dengue Fever. Dengue Fever is closing in on two decades as a band. As the crowd anticipated their arrival on stage at around 10:30 p.m., a chant rose from the audience, cheering for their Fever. The band responded with their genre mixing music. Their music takes a little from Cambodia. It takes some world music inspiration. And then you could even add in college basketball prep rally band. As their one hour set came to a close, they called members from the other bands onto the stage and we got a joyous dance party that even included a Conga line.

Dengue Fever
Opening up was Patsy's RatsSummer Twins and Winter.

Patsy's Rats opened with, "I'm Patsy, these are the Rats." They're a lo-fi band that is shifting their home base from Portland to Los Angeles. Hearing their sound had me missing Portland. First, I've come to learn that I love Portland bands. Second, I spent a few days in Portland a couple years back and checked out their music scene. Fun fun fun.

Patsy's Rats
Summer Twins was up next. Talk about reflections. This was my second time seeing Summer Twins. The first time was way back in 2012. Six years between catching this band. The band has this calm, soothing sound though I will say the drum beat seemed stronger than when I last saw them. So maybe they're a touch less soothing.

Summer Twins had a fun story from their Burger tour. When they were in Portland, they were able to find lodging at a house. A friend of one of the Patsy's Rats band members lived in the house. They were told that the door would remain unlocked for them. So at 2 a.m. they drove to the house. When they got there, all the lights were out, which they thought was strange. They went to the front door and it was locked. They thought maybe they were supposed to enter through the back door. So they went to the front gate and tried to figure how to open the gate. They were having issues with that. Then they got a text message stating that they'd been sent to the wrong address. Oops.

Summer Twins
The final opening band was Winter. This was my first time seeing Samira Winter, but I had heard of her before. In a random conversation with an individual, I was told that Winter was one of his bands to keep an eye on. So I've been wanting to catch Winter. Her backup band included three of the Summer Twins band members. They switched up positions; however. The drummer switched over to the bass. The keyboardist went to drums. The vocalist moved over to guitar. One of Winter's song was dedicated to her cat Zoey.     

Over-heard. There was a guy near the stage who kept on saying: glitter glitter glitter. Was he fascinated by all the glitter the musicians of Winter were using?


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