Monday, January 6, 2025

NFV Song Spotlight: Night Talks' Running On A Cloud

Like many a band, my first introduction to Night Talks happened at a venue now since closed called the Bootleg Theater. It was July 2016. I then caught the band a month later at Chinatown Summer Nights. That was a fun weekend of music. Echo Park Rising and Chinatown Summer Nights were both on that same weekend so I spent Friday night at Echo Park Rising, Saturday night at Chinatown Summer Nights, and Sunday night back at Echo Park Rising. 

Night Talks at Hotel Ziggy

Over the last few years of Echo Park Rising, I've been running around like crazy catching as many bands as possible for either Buzzbands or US Rocker Music. But back in 2016, I would just catch a couple bands and then take off. So on Friday night at Echo Park Rising my focus was on Disco Shrine. At the time, I'd run into Jessica Delijani every so often as she was highly involved to the Los Angeles music scene via her a music festival called Broke LA. I actually still see her around town on occasion. The most recent time was to celebrate WFNM's Grant Owens birthday at Bar Lubitsch. 

Night Talks at Hotel Ziggy

Saturday night was spent at Chinatown Summer Nights to catch Night Talks who were kicking off the event. That was a stacked line-up. This has to be mentioned though. The whole event got off to a late start, because Night Talks had some musical instrument problems. What was the problem? Someone had their batteries in the wrong way. Lone Kodiak came on next. In early 2024, I saw them play at Permanent Records Roadhouse. Ramonda Hammer played. I did not see that set. There's a whole sports related story on why I skipped out on their set. I eventually did see the band for the first time at The Hi Hat (now closed). I did come back in time to catch Dream Club. That band is no longer around, but playing in the band was Justin Warfield of She Wants Revenge. And the band that I don't see nearly as often as I should, Beginners was the last band I saw before heading home for the night. For those who love the Los Angeles music scene, that would be a stacked line-up in 2024. 

Night Talks at Hotel Ziggy

WFNM recently booked the band at Hotel Ziggy. It was a rather easy decision to make that I would be heading out to the venue on this particular night. Lead singer Soraya Sebghati is a music photographer's favorite subject just due to the challenge of taking the right shot. Where's she going next is the question to ask, because she is constantly on the move. As for Jacob Butler, he's the man with the thousand facial expressions on guitar. Hitting the bass is Joshua Arteaga who's the cool cat to photograph. 

Night Talks at Hotel Ziggy

The set was focused to some degree on unreleased songs such as "Gasoline" and "Target On My Back." Personal opinion, they should release "Target On My Back" as soon as possible. That's a winner. 

Night Talks at Hotel Ziggy

For this blog post, let's target a currently released song called "Running On A Cloud." To introduce the song, Sebghati said the following, "It's about being poor and accruing credit card debt, because what else can you do?" The song starts off with Sebghati giving the song a beat poet kick off before the band breaks out into an alternative pop jam with Butler and Arteaga providing backing vocals to power up the chorus. And as mentioned above, what would a Night Talks song be without Sebghati being the entertaining front woman of the band. 

Night Talks at Hotel Ziggy

I got a flat tire
Just the other day
No way
I can pay this off today
Put it on my tab
It grows and grows

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