Monday, September 9, 2024

NFV Song Spotlight: Janelane's Killing Time

Janelane recently played The Fable during a Ryan Pollie night. I first came across Janelane in 2017 at Echo Park Rising. I was shooting the festival for Buzzbands. I technically wasn't suppose to shoot Janelane. I had been assigned the venues east of The Echo. Yet, I decided to check out Janelane over at Spacedust (the store closed at the end of 2023), which was a store west of The Echo. I've been a fan ever since. The band is fronted by Sophie Negrini with a rotating cast of musicians. 

Janelane at The Fable

Perhaps my favorite song is about the pain of love not returned, "Killing Time." The song was initially released in 2015, a couple years before I came across the band. It was re-issued in 2024. What would I describe as the main difference between the two versions? I would say that the 2015 version's vocals are a bit more quirky, perhaps influenced by Edie Brickell & New Bohemians. The 2024 version's vocals are more dreamy. It also uses a touch of guitar buzzing. 

Janelane at The Fable

The song's lyrics remind me of the Angela Chase / Jordan Catalano moments from the TV series "My So-Called Life." Why?

I never understood how I had opened up your locker.
I never knew the combination or how to tweak.
The dial so that I could steal all that was inside.
Plus no one ever really saw me as a thief. 

Don't those lyrics just remind you of those locker room encounters from that TV show (if you've ever watch it before and if not, you must do so)? Perhaps with a little more petty crime involved. 

Janelane at The Fable

The song explores the pain that lead up to that locker invasion. 

My fingers ache and I can barely look you in the eye and 
Wish I could clock you out to cure the malady 
I know I said that only ever would my legs be open 
Still stings that you just wanted peaches and cream

One can just feel the emotional distress. All this against musical melodies that have you wanting to run through a field of grass on a perfect spring day. If there is anyone in the Los Angeles pop-folk scene better than Janelane at mixing lyrics about heartbreak and desire that causes a teardrop or two to form while at the same time crafts beautiful tunes that leaves you with a smile, please do let me know.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

NFV Song Highlight: Circle the Earth's Sweetest Pain

I saw Circle the Earth play a spirited set at Hotel Ziggy (a WFNM night) on August 27th, 2024. Of note, the band name is so appropriate as the members hail from across the globe. You have Brazilian drummer Sandro Feliciano, Japanese guitarist Kazuki Tokaji, and Taiwanese keyboardist Sandy Chao Wang. The five piece band is rounded out by Michael McBay on bass and Aviva Scott on vocals. The band's set was filled with the power pop ballads that highlighted Scott's crystal vocals. 

Circle the Earth at Hotel Ziggy

I was so enthralled with their music that I went to Spotify to listen to their music catalog. What song stood out to me? "Sweetest Pain" from their 2023 album release Hey Goodbye

As a note: I believe the lead singer for the songs on that album is Jasmin Khadia. 

Circle the Earth at Hotel Ziggy

The song starts with a soft opening with vocals taking a lead. The instrumental accompaniment is so in the background that one could say it is an A cappella opening. Those instruments soon begin to build in power and drive the music forward and the vocals start to soar in order to keep to the prominent forefront. I did happen to take video of the song during the Hotel Ziggy set and I'll say that Scott adds a touch of smokey vocals with a bit of a snarl. Why might one want a snarl?     

I can't walkaway, yeah
Making a fool of me, yeah
Living with love I can't explain
It's the sweetest pain
(I keep) waiting
Hoping that you'll make changes
Never get rainbows without the rain
It's the sweetest pain

Circle the Earth at Hotel Ziggy

Did someone find out that their significant other cheated on them once again and is hoping that the loved one will change their ways? "Making a fool of me, yeah." Is there any resolution to the relationship? No, that would be too easy. The song setting appears to take place in the early morning hours, an emotionally painful way to start a day. 

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Desert Daze 2024 Cancelled and the Hardship of being Independent


SASAMI was to play on Saturday

Desert Daze announced on August 30th that their four day festival that was to be held from October 10th - 13th was being cancelled "due to rising production costs and the current volatile festival market." There was also an emphasis in their announcement that Desert Daze is one of the few independent festivals.

I've never gone to Desert Daze. It is just not my type of festival. I like being able to return to my home each night and sleep in my own bed. That said, I'm sad to see this independent festival having to call off their event. There is a special place in my heart for independent festivals. I just recently spent back to back weekends hanging out at Echo Park Rising and Happy Sundays Long Beach. Earlier this summer I attended No Earbuds Fest

Since venues re-opened in mid-2021, we've seen Highland Park Bowl and Little Joy shift away from live bands. Oracle Tavern shut down. The Silverlake Lounge was sold to different investors and who knows if live music will be featured when it reopens. Resident and The Goldfish have significantly reduced their nights of live music. The Resident is only doing the twice a month Alphabet Soup and acoustic sets out on their patio (which I'm not necessarily seeing happening during the winter months). As for The Goldfish, I only see one night of live bands for the month of September. 

I shouldn't be all negative about the indie music venue scene. Healing Force of the Universe, a record store and music venue, opened up recently in Pasadena. There is also Scribble that has regularly scheduled music. I visit Hotel Ziggy a few times a month, which is a hotel and music venue. I am potentially missing other venues, as well. But to be honest, those venues don't necessarily replace the previously listed venues. They simply replace the venues that permanently closed during the pandemic such as The Factory, The House of Machines, The Satellite, etc.

At the moment, it seems to me that the Los Angeles indie music scene is at a low. That, hopefully, means that an upswing is about to occur.


Friday, August 23, 2024

PAGOTO Celebrates Record '7989' by Blasting Ear Drums at Licorice Pizza Records

PAGOTO, a project of L.A. Witch drummer Ellie English, had their record release at Licorice Pizza Records. Knowing that connection, one might expect a sound somewhat similar to L.A. Witch, a bit psychedelic mixed in with blues and rock. That would be totally incorrect. This band is a hard core industrial band. Vocals are screamed at jet engine levels and drums are slammed with the intensity of the flames coming from a rocket booster engine. Their 8 song album, 7989, is 7 songs of industrial with the final song “Ancestor” taking one on a meanderingly chill drug trip – got to let the listener take a breather. The band played the album in full at Licorice Pizza in front of friends as many a long conversation was had prior to the band hitting the stage. Members of L.A. Witch also arrived to show their support for their band mate. 

PAGOTO at Licorice Pizza Records
PAGOTO at Licorice Pizza Records

As for Licorice Pizza Records, it can be found at 12230 Ventura Blvd in Studio City. The location has a nice collection of records. It also sells band t-shirts and music concert posters. The location also dabbles in movies with a small collection of DVDs and motion picture memorabilia for movies such as Reality Bites and Garden State. And if you were wondering, the store name is a shout out to the original chain. On their website, they write, “The boutique record store of the same name continues the legacy of the original, famed Southern California chain opened by James Greenwood in July 1969.” 

PAGOTO at Licorice Pizza Records
PAGOTO at Licorice Pizza Records

PAGOTO setlist: Undercut, I See Static, Winter White, Archaea, Worker From Afar, Arithmos, Red, Ancestor 

PAGOTO at Licorice Pizza Records
PAGOTO at Licorice Pizza Records

PAGOTO at Licorice Pizza Records
PAGOTO at Licorice Pizza Records