Tuesday, September 3, 2024

NFV Song Highlight: Circle the Earth's Sweetest Pain

I saw Circle the Earth play a spirited set at Hotel Ziggy (a WFNM night) on August 27th, 2024. Of note, the band name is so appropriate as the members hail from across the globe. You have Brazilian drummer Sandro Feliciano, Japanese guitarist Kazuki Tokaji, and Taiwanese keyboardist Sandy Chao Wang. The five piece band is rounded out by Michael McBay on bass and Aviva Scott on vocals. The band's set was filled with the power pop ballads that highlighted Scott's crystal vocals. 

Circle the Earth at Hotel Ziggy

I was so enthralled with their music that I went to Spotify to listen to their music catalog. What song stood out to me? "Sweetest Pain" from their 2023 album release Hey Goodbye

As a note: I believe the lead singer for the songs on that album is Jasmin Khadia. 

Circle the Earth at Hotel Ziggy

The song starts with a soft opening with vocals taking a lead. The instrumental accompaniment is so in the background that one could say it is an A cappella opening. Those instruments soon begin to build in power and drive the music forward and the vocals start to soar in order to keep to the prominent forefront. I did happen to take video of the song during the Hotel Ziggy set and I'll say that Scott adds a touch of smokey vocals with a bit of a snarl. Why might one want a snarl?     

I can't walkaway, yeah
Making a fool of me, yeah
Living with love I can't explain
It's the sweetest pain
(I keep) waiting
Hoping that you'll make changes
Never get rainbows without the rain
It's the sweetest pain

Circle the Earth at Hotel Ziggy

Did someone find out that their significant other cheated on them once again and is hoping that the loved one will change their ways? "Making a fool of me, yeah." Is there any resolution to the relationship? No, that would be too easy. The song setting appears to take place in the early morning hours, an emotionally painful way to start a day. 

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