Saturday, March 13, 2021

The Satellite's Instagram Live: Trap Girl

I got an invite to catch Trap Girl play live this past Wednesday night. Lucky for us on that day, the rain hit hard at night, cleared up during the day and then hit hard late at night again. So a nice window of opportunity was provided.

The set opened up with Drew Sands of Trap Girl saying, "No double chins, I mean it, or I will leave."

And the lyrics of the 1st of 6 songs started with, "Once upon a time this woman lived and died. And no matter who you ask, she loved to fuck men up their ass."

Got to love the non-puritanical conversation and lyrics. 

Since it was a chilly night, I was wearing three layers of cloths as well as a knitted cap. My glasses kept on steaming up, but I was very comfortable.

A great six song set.

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