Thursday, March 11, 2021

New Music Alert: Alaska Reid's "Big Bunny"

Alaska Reid is out with a new song called "Big Bunny." The song is in support of her EP release with the title "Big Bunny," as well. If a song called "Big Bunny" sounds a little strange, maybe similar to the book "Watership Down" or the movie "Donnie Darko," the song represents a diary glimpse of her life. Here is what she had to say in an Instagram post about the EP release:

Big bunny is a diary of my life — be it through lyrical journeys or the fact that some of these songs are like old friends that I’ve been carrying the bones of since I was 14 years old & playing bars on the Sunset Strip with my boots and my acoustic guitar. Thanks to everyone for listening.

The style of the song has me thinking Natalie Merchant and the 10000 Maniacs. As the song progresses, it still holds that Natalie Merchant style, but just with a tight rock edge.

Lyrics that stick with me are:

If it hurts Lil, just let me know 
I’ll do anything to help you let things go 
Going back to living slow 
Yeah if it hurts just let me know  

Sometimes one just wants to go back to when life wasn't as fast pace and one had simpler wishes.

Photo taken during Echo Park Rising for Buzzbands

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