Friday, March 19, 2021

Online Quarantine Sets: Version 87

The Satellite's Instagram Live is having bands on Wednesdays during the month of March. Duderella was the third band in that series. I first caught this band at Echo Park Rising 2019. Then I caught them online in 2020 via Los Angeleno when they were doing Instagram and Facebook videos. Now I got to catch them again in 2021. The set was played during a cold and chilly early evening. (Too chilly for me to go out and exercise that day.) Jackets were worn by the band, one being a yellow jacket that got some positive comments. The set had an Elton John style: eccentric and no fear in letting those vocals fly.

Moment of the set: For their song "Money," which they said was about "all the horrible things money does to this world" the lead singer took out a couple $100 bills. Taking out a lighter, the bills were set on fire. Ha ha, I'm sure they were fake bills.

Noticed: the band played the set standing.  I think like 80% of The Satellite's Instagram Live sets are done with the musicians sitting.

The set was finished with a side hug.

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