Wednesday, March 31, 2021

New Music Alert: Egg Drop Soup's "Hard to Hold On"

Egg Drop Soup has a new music release in the song "Hard to Hold On." 

Here's part of the lyrics that I find so compelling:

I'm so scared of getting older

But I'm not getting any younger

I'm just doing what I oughta

But I'm not gettin' what I'm 'sposed to

It speaks to the struggles of reaching those personal goals. It also speaks not to just a struggle, but a fear of never getting to those goals.

I'm not sure the above video is considered an official video release. It is listed as a lyric video. Even so, the video takes you on a tour of visuals from the band performing to individual bandmembers having fun in front of the camera to road trip visuals to street protests. All this against the pulsating beats of this punk rock band that has grown a loyal following in the Los Angeles music scene.

photo take at the Zebulon

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