Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Quarantine Online Sets: Version 57

Ariel Beesley took the stage on Reckless Magazine's Better Days Festival. I've seen her do a couple individual online set since the start of quarantine. I last saw her live with a full band in early January during FOMO week. I knew she was supposed to hit the Better Days Festival at 9 p.m. on Thursday via Youtube. I tuned in at exactly 9 p.m. and she had already started her set. How much had I missed? Anyways, I watched the set until the end and then took the Youtube video back to the start of her set and watched it again. She was playing with a full band and the camera work was treating it like one was watching a real concert. It wasn't a one camera straight on take, but moved from one spot to the next. With the full band, her vocals and music composition shined in full. Almost ten months since I last saw her live and I had forgotten how totally awesome her live shows are. Ariel Beesley is a full on Los Angles music talent.    

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