Thursday, October 8, 2020

Quarantine Online Sets: Version 49

WFNM put on another Wednesday night event. This one started earlier than the other nights with Ethan Roche hitting the online stage at 5 p.m. His set actually started around 5:10 p.m. due to technical glitches, but when he came on he had vocals that would cause teen girls to scream. His songs are pop romance.

Ethan Roche

David Hugo came on next with a unique approach to his set, which was similar to a listening party. Towards the middle of his set, he asks which of two songs he should play first. "The Boy" won out. Since it was a new song, he brought up the lyrics on his computer screen so that he wouldn't mess up the song. After singing the song acoustic, he then gave the audience a preview of how the song sounded with full production. He also did that with another song. A very nice approach. 

David Hugo

St. Panther closed out the night for me. She started out her set a cappella. I was thinking this would be a very unique set. Then she abruptly, because she hadn't plugged in her various equipment. After she plugged in, her first song was a dance party. Ha ha, far different from the a cappella sound. She bobble head danced throughout her set. Her music was big on horns. It sounded awesome. She used a fisheye lens for her set, which provided a rounded look to those of us watching. 

St. Panther

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