Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Dario Bronco

Dario Bronco at The Satellite

Interview with the artist. Enjoy:

When did you know you wanted to be a musician? I suppose I sort of eased into it. I have been playing music for most of my life, but always had a desire to write/record/perform etc. I think the concise answer is that I finally “knew” I really wanted this life the day I filled my gas tank and drove 1700 miles to the west coast.

Do you find greater enjoyment writing a great song or performing a great song? Why the choice? This is rad, because I’ve asked this question to so many musicians I admire and am surrounded by. I reach the highest high in life when I am writing. I don’t know what it is. Just, in a room, I love throwing demos together.

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