Sunday, August 18, 2019

Quick Interview Questions: The Absurd

The Absurd at The Satellite

Interview with the band (with Ben). Enjoy:

What's the story behind how your band started? The short story: I tripped acid with my bassist (Josh) and we became best friends. He heard a few songs of mine that were good and learned how to play bass to be in the band. We found Colin (drummer) playing jazz on the streets for money and the rest is history.

What’s a dream venue/festival you’d love to play at and what about it intrigues you? A. I’d say Coachella, but they just made marijuana illegal. Probably something like Glastonbury, because a crowd that huge would just be epic to entertain. We get small crowds going as it is—if we could translate that energy to bigger venues, I don’t know what would happen. God himself would probably pay attention.

Own final thoughts: you can tell people that we’re the “badassest” band in town—self-described as such—and anyone who thinks differently can talk to me.

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