Friday, August 16, 2019

Quick Hit Band Interview: The Premonitions

The Premonitions at The Hi Hat (shot for Buzzbands)

Interview with the band (with Mikhail). Enjoy:

What’s the story behind how your band started? We came together very naturally. We’re all good friends and introduced ourselves to each other. It started with two different projects; Blue Hearts, which became Nobodyz Children. Different line ups in both bands. The Premonitions came out of us finding each other through those projects and we had one thing in mind, to make primitive Rock n’ Roll that people could dance to. I think what makes us original is that we all have influences all across the board individually and we bring that into the general sound we have, which is heavily influenced by 60’s punk. For instance, I’m really into the 50’s and Vocal Group, whereas Eric (drummer) is really into soul and Daniel (bassist) is into 70’s and psychedelic. At the end of the day though, we’re brought together by 60’s garage which is definitely the main sound we love and strive to make.

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