Sunday, February 17, 2019

The Echo: Lucy and La Mer with WASI and Polartropica

It was more than a few months since the last time I caught Lucy & La Mer. And then, when I did catch the band last, it was just for a couple songs during Echo Park Rising (I was running around shooting for Buzzbands). When I got invited to catch Love is Gay event at The Echo, I jumped at the opportunity. The band opened up with a dance song and I was thinking, "I wonder if they're totally switching their sound around over the last 6 months?" Nope, after that energizer first song, they hit the indie pop tunes I so love this band for.

Lucy & La Mer

Opening the night was WASI, which pumped up the crowd with some power kicks. Bands improve over time and this band has really improved since the last time I caught them. I was super impressed with their set.


Polartropica puts a touch of Asian traditional music into her pop sounds. And then there's her stage show. You can always count on Polartropica to put on a good show. She opened up the show in what I interpreted as her tribute to Sandro Botticelli's The Birth of Venus painting as she sang from a pink inflatable plastic object that reminded me of a giant scallop shell. Of course, art is up to interpretation, because an individual next to me turned to her friend and said, "Is that a vagina?"


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