Friday, February 15, 2019

Quick Hit Artist Interview: ARSNK

ARSNK at the Viper Room
Interview with the artist. Enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? My sound is a blend of folk, 90s angst driven rock, electro and an obsession with ethereal worlds.

How do you believe that you, as an artist, have progressed over time? I want to tell bigger stories now. I’m fascinated with this moment when you are in between dream and awake, like a kind of stasis and my keyboardist Jess was saying that she thinks the previous set we were playing was an entirely different color and I love that, that rings true. I like to lace the lyrics in a way that presents as fairy tales. Sonically, I love layered builds that are cinematic as all my music comes to me visually. I want to lead people into an abyss like state but also still be raw, cutting and direct.

What's next for Fierce Femme Sounds (Thea of ARSNK is a co-founder of this musician collective)? We want to start a movement in Los Angeles for women to come forward and seek the support they need for their careers in music. We are absolutely a music industry showcase for women but we want to offer resources that women in music find indispensable too. Hopefully the word gets out that we are putting together nights of amazing female talent and can grow into panel discussions that are relevant to women.

Own final thoughts: I guess my pagan Celtic roots, I just am just so fascinated by the people who walked the earth before us and the landscapes they saw. I spent long childhoods in the Scottish highlands wandering around dilapidated ruins and the wildness of this underpins all the stories I’m telling. My aim is to build an entire world people can be propelled into both musically and visually (I’m also a film maker and make all my own videos).

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