Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Quick Hit Band Interview: Moons of Mars

Moons of Mars at the Bootleg Theater
Q&A time with the band. Hope you enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? Dark vibe indie pop hahahaha. We have heard so many genre descriptions but I guess it falls under the "indie pop" umbrella.

Is there a specific decision(s) the band has made (good or bad) that it feels other bands/artists can learn from? Keep writing, keep hustling, be open to learning, and celebrate everything (even the small things). Honestly, being a creative, specifically in music can be very discouraging at times. But if you keep the right people around you and work hard, you'll see little glimpses of your rewards from putting in the time. Whether it's getting better at your craft or getting on the radio. Whatever the accomplishment looks like... keep going. Keep working hard and keep dreaming big. You'll get better and the music will speak.

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