Friday, September 15, 2017

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Cuesta Loeb

Q&A time with the artist. Hope you enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? A friend of mine once said that my music made him want to run free in a big open field and I liked that. I would say that it is a combination of hard and soft elements that lives somewhere in the world of Dreampop. It's a blend of hard electric guitars, classical elements and ethereal vocals and harmonies.

What's your favorite band song and what makes it the favorite? My new favorite song that we play is a brand new one that's unreleased, called "Annabelle." It's about my parent's Pomeranian, Annie, who is just a light of life. She brings so much joy wherever she goes and maintains that love always through the darkest of moments. And it is just SO much fun to play live. I can't wait to record and release this one.

(Own Q&A.) Do you think you have a message or objective with your music? If so, what is it? I wanna create a dreamy feeling. I love combining soft and hard elements. I love bending the rules and not necessarily sticking to form. I love combining sounds that wouldn't necessarily go together. In terms of themes, many of my songs are reminders of things I want to live by - to be present and live and love freely.

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