Sunday, May 13, 2018

Quick Hit Band Interview: The Travis Peery Band

The Travis Peery Band at The Satellite
Q&A time with the band. Enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? I generally stick to calling it rock and roll because I think that encapsulates the country, soul, and roots elements that make up our sound. It’s a broad genre but that’s kind of the beauty of it, that we can mix these different elements to hopefully come up with something that is our own but at the same time strikes a familiar chord with people.

What is your favorite Travis Peery lyric and what about it makes it so special? I’ve always been partial to a line in the title track from our most recent album These Nights: “Well I know just what I want and I would take it if I could, but the details reveal the devil in me. If I can’t explain it to myself, I’ll explain it to someone else, but I don’t want somebody to just hand me the key.” I think I like it because it captures the feeling of learning by experience which is the only real way to learn. I like to think it’s hopeful too, that as long as we’re all looking to figure out life and get better at it, the fact that we have that desire means we’re moving in the right direction regardless of how long it might take to get there.

Own Q&A. I’ve always liked the question, “which song by another artist do you wish you had written?” I wish I had written “Beast of Burden” by The Rolling Stones because it’s mellow but at the same time it’s a rocker. It does a wonderful job of creating a mood, a feeling you don’t want to leave behind. And it’s a great song to listen to while driving.

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