Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Quick Hit Band Interview: The Vigils

The Vigils at The Frog Spot

Q&A time with the band. Hope you enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? Our sound . . . It's the middle of the night. You're cruising through the empty rain-soaked city streets, neon lights reflecting off the windshield, windows down, and the familiar songs of youth playing on the radio. You're all alone, reminiscing about the days gone by, the good times, the bad times, the loves, the losses, and wishing you were back there now as you step on the gas an accelerate full-speed into the darkness of tomorrow, haunted. That's how I would describe our sound. One guy once told me, after one of our performances, that we made him feel like he was back in New York City in 1979. I'll take that, too!

How do you believe the band has progressed over time? I believe we've come a long way in creating our foundation and unique style as a band, and after many struggles and disappointments, we finally have a solid line-up in which to carry forth with. That said, we still have a long way to go. With the exception of "She's Gone", the recordings we have made thus far are essentially glorified demos, and by no means fully realized the way I envision them. We need a proper full-length album to take it to the next level, present the songs as they have always been intended, and hopefully extend our reach beyond the narrow confines of Los Angeles. I won't be satisfied until we play Australia.

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