Friday, August 18, 2017

Quick Hit Band Interview: isle&fever

isle&fever at Chinatown Summer Nights

Q&A time with the band. Hope you enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? Half of our songs have roots in loop-based funk and vintage 70s/80s rock— what we call bedroom disco. The other half of the songs are more chill indie rock structure with some reverby surf elements. That's the isle while the dancier is the fever.

What’s the story behind how your band started? Donald and I just finished working on a project called Blacks& with our friend/singer Jutty Taylor. We had some songs we wrote that we loved but never (to this day) were finished. We decided to keep writing and producing in our basement studio and eventually the vibe was where we wanted it. We brought in our friends Antoine Dilligent and Thomas Bowden to help us out with the live show.

What are you working on now? We are taking a break from playing live to focus on writing more songs and finish recording the best of the dozen or so songs in our queue.

What other music are you listening to that's coming out of LA? We are pretty stoked on our friends' band called TAMPA. Also, our band member Antoine Dilligent's solo album is one of our favorite records of the year. Very Tame Impala but with a bit more ‘tude.

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