Saturday, May 13, 2017

Quick Hit Band Interview: Fire Heads

Fire Heads at The Hi Hat
Note: At the time, the band performed under a different name.

Q&A time with the band. Hope you enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? Fire Heads plays punk that's rough, kinda twangy, kinda jittery and real fast.

What are some of your favorite local Madison, WI bands that folks should keep an eye out on should they tour in Los Angeles? Madison has got a great music scene at the moment with a whole lot of bands given the size of the city. We all play in other bands (the Hussy, Proud Parents, Dumb Vision, Cave Curse) but for an unbiased opinion, two bands that are currently killing the game are Wood Chickens, who might be the hardest working band in the Midwest, and No Hoax who play speed punk with a groovy low end.

(Interview took place in May 2016.)

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