Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Quick Hit Band Interview: Barb Wire Dolls

Barb Wire Dolls at The Whisky a Go Go
Q&A time with the band. Hope you enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? Live and on record it's two different things. Live it's raw and the energy explodes throughout the set into a thousand rock and roll pieces...on record, it's what it is: music to inspire you to get to a show so YOU can be blown up in a thousand pieces!

I know Barb Wire Dolls has done a lot of touring. Are there certain spots (cafes, parks, museums, hotels, etc etc) around the globe that you just love and are there any specific reasons why?Airports are cool. Love the feeling of going into a plane and in a few hours exiting onto a totally different reality and culture. It keeps you running.

(Interview occurred in June 2016.)

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