Thursday, April 20, 2017

Quick Hit Band Interview: WARGIRL

WARGIRL at The Hi Hat

Q&A time with the band. Hope you enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? Our sound is a mishmash of all the music we dig with a heavy dose of the third world vibe. Afrobeat and Reggae and Garage Rock all through the lens of working class Southern California.

How would you like your music to affect people who listen or see you play live? We would hope our music is connected to history in some way. It doesn't belong at any place in time but draws influences from every time; so we would hope that it stands outside of any particular trend and just makes people feel something positive and historically familiar. It should make you want to dance!

And a question they’d like to answer: I wish you would have asked what the problem is with the "Standard American Diet" and GMO food.

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