School Night isn't on my usual rotation to catch bands. I went once in 2017 and from what I can recall the previous time before that was way back in 2013. What got me to School Night in 2018?
Family of the Year was doing a set. This is a band that I first saw in 2010 at the Silverlake Lounge. From that point on, I was a big fan and saw them a couple times a year up until 2012. I stopped seeing them from 2013 - 2017, but it wasn't because I stopped loving the band. I cried and smiled in the dark when I heard their song "Hero" on the movie Boyhood. I caught a solo set by lead singer Joseph Keefe at The Satellite in 2015. And then I noticed on Facebook that they were doing a set at School Night. I was so there. Their music has that awesome folk-rock sound that hit a high point in the Los Angeles music scene between 2010 - 2012. Joseph Keefe's lead vocals are honey.
What did I notice: while waiting for the doors to open to School Night, there was a group of friends in front of me. One was wearing a Family of the Year jacket. But they weren't allowed inside the venue. Why? She was only 17. Hopefully, she gets to see Family of the Year live someday soon.
What did I notice: Of course, everyone sang along to the song "Hero."
This night of music was more than Family of the Year.
Family of the Year |
Lao Ra started the night off with her Colombian infused music. Though she currently lives in the UK, her music and style still had one thinking South America. With a DJ backing her, she took control of the stage with dance moves and Spanish vocals. She sort of reminded me of a solo act version of Bomba Estereo.
Lao Ra |
Tim Atlas had a number of female fans. One behind me kept yelling out, "Husband! Husband!" And then she would turn to her friend, "I don't think he heard me." What's one reason for his popularity? He was on the 2015 season of The Voice. He also has the perfect singer-songwriter vocals.
What did I notice: his whole band along with him wore dotted t-shirts.
Tim Atlas |
Rina Sawayama gave the audience some Euro pop tunes. Though she was born in Japan, like Lao Ra, she currently resides in the UK. She even brought the London accent to the American audience. She did throw out a tribute to American television. She mentioned, "This isn't my real hair." She had long beach blond hair. "This is my Game of Thrones look, Daenerys." During the set, she moved to one side of the stage and a trio of young women on that side of the stage started to scream in excitement.
Rina Sawayama |
Both Rina Sawayama and Lao Ra mentioned that this was their first time playing in Los Angeles. They should hang out in Los Angeles a bit more.
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