Thursday, February 11, 2021

Online Quarantine Sets: Version 82

Lisa Remar did a short 10 minute set on WFNM. Recently, WFNM has been hosting musicians for quick 10 - 15 minute sets instead of their 30 minute 4 - 6 band/artist line-ups from 2020. Her set was played with her off to the side of the camera. It was so that everyone could see her guitarist, as well. She was sitting on the floor. He was on a couch. When she ended each of her songs, she'd throw up finger signs. And when she hit the high notes, her hands would rise up. Obviously, I found myself overly interested in what her hands were going to do next. Anyways, she opened her set with the song "Sonny." There was a campfire manner to the song and the set in general. I could see being in the mountains and around a campfire. And they'd be entertaining their friends with some acoustic tunes. Tunes that were just slightly turned down in volume so as not to scare off the squirrels. 

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