Friday, February 19, 2021

New Album Alert: Suzie True's "Saddest Girl at The Party"

Suzie True has a new album out called "Saddest Girl at The Party." I first caught this band at The Smell in 2019 and I was very impressed and put them on my annual (2020 getting skipped) My Favorite "New" Bands/Artists of 2019 list. Got to say, one never knows what awesome bands you'll catch at a DIY space.

The above video is for their song "Not Fair," which is on the album. The video shows them enjoying life on tour. It starts with them doing some exercising to get fit for the tour. Then has them driving up the coast of California and into Washington State where I'm going to guess that most of the video was shot. There is a brief shot of their name up on the billboard of Firefly Lounge (which Google tells me is in Washington St). The video just shows the fun nature of this pop punk band.

Photo take at the Echoplex

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