Tuesday, January 14, 2020

FOMO and Satellite Nights 2020

It was the annual FOMO and Satellite Nights week to kick off 2020. For me, it was off to 3 of the nights. I wish I could have gone out another night, but I've been stuck with a lingering cold since Christmas and decided it was best to limit my outings. Of course, it probably would have been best if I just stayed home during all the whole week, but then I had FOMO.

My first stop was to The Satellite on Monday to catch the first night of WASI's residency. I selected this night to catch WASI, because I also wanted to catch Sugar Rum Tantrum. Prior to this night, I had previously seen Sugar Rum Tantrum back in 2018 at Broke LA. I was eager to catch another set, because lead Melinda West makes the accordion sound melodic. To me, the sound from an accordion is jarring, but she plays it in a certain way that makes the sound very pleasant. The one problem with her set, after her first song, she put the accordion to the side.

Sugar Rum Tantrum
Shira put on one nice performance. Time was spent on the floor with legs kicking in every direction. Punk Crush closed out the night with pop punk sounds. They were given praise by the audience for the anime cartoons that were playing behind them. As for WASI, the fun part of their set is when they invite their friends do dance with them. Up on stage for one song was Melinda West and a couple other friends. As the song progressed, Holander (who was DJing) was brought up, as well.

There is an amusing note about Holander. Last band up that night was Punk Crush. They were wanting to start their set, but the DJ music was playing. The band seemed to be trying to get Holander's attention so that she'd shut down the music so that they could start their set. Holander, meanwhile, was having too much fun dancing.

Punk Crush
Next up was the Echoplex on Tuesday. I'd just been there Friday night for Ariel Beesley's birthday party so all the security guards at the Echoplex were like, "Oh, you again." I was there that night to catch Boy Deluxe. Boy Deluxe is the new iteration of Ever So Android. They announced the name change in late 2019 and I believe they played one or two sets under that name. I was eager to catch them for the first time and it was great to catch them during FOMO. I was going to take off right after their set (cough cough, due to my cold), but decided to stick it out to catch Hello Forever and A.O. Gerber. Hello Forever had the women coming out to catch this folk band with a lead singer who has -- what I'd describe as -- mountain man sexuality. A.O. Gerber had that singer-songwriter vibe going. And was enjoying the fact that this was the first time she ever got to play the Echoplex as the lead musician (not backing someone else up).

Boy Deluxe
Hello Forever
A.O. Gerber

I didn't head out Wednesday or Thursday. I was tempted to go to Zebulon on Thursday night to catch The Tissues, but just didn't have the energy to do it.

Maybe I should't have gone out Friday night, but I did anyways, returning to The Satellite where I caught Twin OaksBandie and Wax Charmer. I walked in on Twin Oaks as they were playing. Maybe I missed half a song. They started out the night with a mellow sound. The audience didn't mind. There was a solid fan base there for the set. They mentioned that their lyrics were on the sadder side of the scale. To me, Bandie was the find of the week. Their pop sounds were brilliantly composed. Closing out the night for me was Wax Charmer who knows how to put on a show. Shot after shot I took, I was thinking, that's a nice pose.
Wax Charmer
Twin Oaks

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