Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Quick Hit Band Interview Nylon Smile

Nylon Smile at Bootleg Theater
Interview with the band (no known link). Enjoy:

What is currently influencing your music? I used to play in some very loud, noisey bands, and I've been really inspired to incorporate that kind of stuff back into Nylon Smile. Everything new I've been hearing is so pristine and I want to make something messed up sounding. Also just all of Bradford Cox's stuff, I love how outrageous he is. I read an interview where he called himself the closest thing to our David Bowie which is absolutely insane and I love it.

Is there a story behind one of your songs that you’d like to share? I don't write lyrics in a way where I pick a topic and then explore it, I usually write them more stream of conscious and build on phrases that I feel fit the mood of a song. I think “Younger” turned out really lyrically coherent, and for me, captures the very shitty feeling of falling out with someone but being constantly reminded of them.

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