Monday, December 4, 2017

The Smoking Flowers at The Hotel Cafe

I got an invite to catch The Smoking Flowers at The Hotel Cafe. This band hails from Nashville and revolves around married couple Kim and Scott Collins.

Side topic: I'm pretty sure I've never seen this before at any venue . . . while The Smoking Flowers was setting up, a random individual got up on stage. I figured the person was part of the band. This individual lifted up the keyboard cover and started to play. Nothing loud. It looked to me like the person was just fiddling around before getting reading for the set. But no, a staff member of Hotel Cafe had a quick discussion with the person and off the person went. No big confrontation, but hysterical.

The Smoking Flowers set brought the Nashville sound to The Hotel Cafe with some rocking good sounds. This band had me thinking of another two piece band, Crushed Out. Perhaps the main driver of this comparison is the fact that Kim Collins and Moselle Spiller of Crushed Out steal the show during their sets. Kim Collins went from drums to accordion to tambourine to an awesome solo all within a span of 45 minutes. And all this while proudly wearing some red high heels.

As for Scott: sometimes I was thinking, you've got to do more than just play the guitar. Help carry the load, bring out a trombone. Nah, he carried the load with some awesome guitar play filled with energetic riffs.

It was an extraordinary fun night out. 

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