Sunday, December 24, 2017

Sounds Like Disco with Singer & the Scientist and Topia at The Satellite

It was off to The Satellite to catch some random bands I'd never seen live. I'm so happy I went out.

Sounds Like Disco is a band that was seriously fun to photograph. Perfect example: I was tracking the lead singer with my camera. She would walk parallel across the stage. So what I was doing was getting a focus on her while she crossed and then waited for her to cross again and take a snap. Well, as I was doing that, out of the corner of my eye, the keyboardist went leaping into the air. I was like, "Oh man, that happened way too quickly and I probably never would have anticipated that jump, but I so wish my camera was focused in on him so that I'd at least have a try at it." So much action.

That band is just super fun to shoot and they have such a catchy style.

Sounds Like Disco
Prior to Sounds Like Disco was Singer and the Scientist and Topia.

Singer and the Scientist went all out with the imagery. Starting out the set, the lead singer had some glasses on that lit up with "S +" on the right lens and "T S" on the left lens. They also had a large neon heart backing them up. The heart became a big part of the set when at one point the lead singer went up to it and gave it a little kiss.

Well, the singer is the singer. The scientist is the keyboardist. And, of course, it had to be with the name scientist in the band: they did a Coldplay cover.

Singer and the Scientist

Topia opened the night with some stylish casual singing.

There was an amusing moment when the lead singer introduced a song:

"Our next song is 'Lay it on the Line.'"

Of course, some folks thought they heard (and I have to admit I heard a variation of this), "Lay on Your Mother."


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