Monday, November 20, 2017

The Big Pink and Nightmare Air at The Hi Hat

First thing: awesome light show. Both The Big Pink and Nightmare Air had some awesome lights going on.

It was almost two years since I last saw The Big Pink. They were playing a set with Elohim when I caught their set. I remember them making an impression on me two years back. They made another impression on me this time around, as well. I loved how their second guitarist played. He moved around in a small area of the stage, but his guitar went swinging all over the place. Since I was up close to the stage taking photos, I had to check myself at times wondering if my camera might accidentally crash into his guitar. The bassist knew how to swing her hair. It made for some fun photos. Over-all, their music was pulsating good. I just didn't want their set to end -- both because their sound is awesome and taking photos was so much fun.

The Big Pink

Nightmare Air recently had a successful August residency at The Satellite. So yes, I was eager to catch them again. They played their shoegaze sounds though the thick fog that hung over the stage. And I have to mention the lights again. There was this brilliant fight of lights coming from stage left and right. Stage left had a purple hue while stage right had an aqua hue. And the two met right in the middle, often with bassist Swaan splitting the two lights.

Nightmare Air

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