Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Quick Hit Band Interview: Pu$$y Cow

Pu$$y Cow at the Redwood Bar

Q&A time with the Joe, lead singer. Hope you enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? When people ask, I usually say punk rock. all the songs are silly and short. Bass heavy. For fans of The Dwarves, The Cramps, early Vandals and maybe a touch of Minutemen and Dead Kennedys.

Do you have a favorite music-themed movie, TV show or book and what about it speaks to you? I can't speak to the rest of the band . . .  but we tend to quote Spinal Tap quite a bit. I'll watch any music movie pretty much. Mike and I love The Monkees so I guess that's a TV show. Book. Off hand, I'd say High Fidelity. I was a mix tape maker and that's a heavy part of the book. I need to stress the book over the movie. Kevin will sometimes let us borrow different rock biographies from his library too.

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