Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Quick Hit Band Interview: Bone Acre

Bone Acre at Harvard & Stone

Q&A time with the band. Hope you enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? High desert post-punk.

What motivates you to write your music? When I was younger, and I was going through a difficult time with some criticism I was receiving with the music I was creating, I called my grandmother. She is a prolific multi-media artist, and is half Native American. I asked her why. Why do we do this? Why do we put ourselves through the process? She paused and said, "I've asked myself that many times through my life. I feel that the earth speaks to me, and I have to express what it tells me or it will burn me up. I think that is in my blood. I think we do these things because we have to or it will kill us. So, it doesn't matter what people think, or what they say. It's to keep you alive." That was one of the truest things I ever heard anyone say, and I could never pretend to say it any better.

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