First, what was I thinking in 2018? I left Ariel Beesley off my 2018 list. How stupid. She's turned into one of my favorites. Her music and lyrics are just so well thought out.
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Ariel Beesley at The House of Machines |
Check out her song: Slower Than Usual
Side note: memorable 2019 sets of bands/artists (not part of this New Bands rundown): Annie Hardy at the Redwood Bar. I hadn't run into Annie Hardy in years. It was so great to get a re-introduction.
2. My Top Favorite 2019 New Artists (new to me, but maybe not new to you):
First, what was I thinking in 2018? I left talker off my 2018 list. How dumb. She rocks from the first song to the final song.
Check out her song: Collateral Damage
Side note: memorable 2019 sets of bands/artists (not part of this New Bands rundown): Bone Acre at Echo Park Rising. Desert rock with body contortions that get photographers excited.
3. My Top Favorite 2019 New Bands (new to me, but maybe not new to you):
The UK Invasion. I had some real luck when it came to UK bands/musicians. First up is Champs who will get you rocking.
Check out their song: Shadow On The Sea
Side note: memorable 2019 sets of bands/artists (not part of this New Bands rundown): The Coathangers at Happy Sundays Long Beach. They were closing out the festival at Alex's Bar. It was too hot. Too sweaty. Too packed (for me, anyways). But also fantastic, because of all that.
4. My Top Favorite 2019 New Artists (new to me, but maybe not new to you):
The UK Invasion. Second is Greg Holden who will have you in tears. He currently lives in Los Angeles, but I'll still put him down under the UK Invasion list. Also, it is probably embarrassing to admit that this was the first time I'd ever heard of Greg Holden.
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Greg Holden at the Moroccan Lounge |
Check out his song: Boys In The Street
Side note: memorable 2019 sets of bands/artists (not part of this New Bands rundown): The Colour Coast at The Hi Hat. This one isn't from their November residency, but one earlier in the year. Why? First time and so far only time I've ever posted a video on Instagram. That made it a special night.
5. My Top Favorite 2019 New Artists (new to me, but maybe not new to you):
The UK Invasion. Third on the list is Tom Speight who will have you reflecting back to that movie called Once.
Check out his song: Something To Say
Side note: memorable 2019 sets of bands/artists (not part of this New Bands rundown): Draemings at Echo Park Rising. Kimi had played all over Echo Park Rising throughout the extended weekend. I had shot for Buzzbands Thursday thru Saturday. I was out on a Sunday to chill and catch full sets of bands instead of running from one band to the next. I think Kimi was out to celebrate, as well. What a blast.
6. My Top Favorite 2019 New Bands (new to me, but maybe not new to you):
Wait, you say, they're not new to you: Aging Actress features Lauren Ruth Ward. I was lucky enough to catch a number of their initial sets at Club Tee Gee.
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Aging Actress at Club Tee Gee |
Check out their song: Aging Actress (or just any LRW song)
Side note: memorable 2019 sets of bands/artists (not part of this New Bands rundown): Ever So Android (now called Boy Deluxe) at Echo Park Rising. They were playing in front of a packed crowd. Hope was totally energized. And I feel like I shot one of my best photos from the festival during that set.
7. My Top Favorite 2019 New Artists (new to me, but maybe not new to you):
Wait, you say, they're not new to you: BIIANCO features Gabby from Smoke Season. Those synths will have you dabbing interpretative style.
Check out the song: Get Up
Side note: memorable 2019 sets of bands/artists (not part of this New Bands rundown): Feels at The Echo for their record release party. I've followed this band for years. It was great to celebrate with the band and at the same time cover the night for Buzzbands.
8. My Top Favorite 2019 New Bands (new to me, but maybe not new to you):
Wait, you say, they're not new to you: Cuffed Up features Sapphire from Gypsum. Gypsum has given the Los Angeles music scene Rosie Tucker and Cuffed Up. That is one solid musician tree.
Check out their song: Small Town Kid
Side note: memorable 2019 sets of bands/artists (not part of this New Bands rundown): Holy Wars at Madame Siam. So I could probably list every set I've seen of Holy Wars as a favorite set from 2019. That would get rather redundant though. I was thinking about their set at The House of Machines, but I went with Madame Siam, because there were way too many of us photographers packed in front of that tiny stage.
9. My Top Favorite 2019 New Bands (new to me, but maybe not new to you):
Wait, you say, they're not new to you: Final Child features Jennifer Akerman, who used to front a favorite band called Bloke & Bird. And hey, we have a pretty good inside joke that revolves around a venue that I'd rather not get angry at me so I won't mention the venue.
Check out their song: Hold On
Side note: memorable 2019 sets of bands/artists (not part of this New Bands rundown): Janelane at Happy Sundays Long Beach. Seriously, what singer in Los Angeles has those vocals. I'm not talking vocal range, I'm just talking vocals that pulls you into the music.
10. My Top Favorite 2019 New Bands (new to me, but maybe not new to you):
Wait, you say, they're not new to you: Kevin features Quincy from Cat Scan and Kimi from Draemings. My first attempt in catching their set at Echo Park Rising ended in total failure. I went up to Kimi and had a "What?" look. Luckily, they play everywhere and always, which is good for me.
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Kevin at Non Plus Ultra |
Check out their song: Bike
Side note: memorable 2019 sets of bands/artists (not part of this New Bands rundown): Catching Jett Kwong during Asian Pacific American History Month is becoming a rather cool tradition. I hope the tradition continues in 2020.
11. My Top Favorite 2019 New Artists (new to me, but maybe not new to you):
Wait, you say, they're not new to you: Lauren Rocket from Rocket. I've followed Lauren Rocket from Rocket to The Child to a couple other smaller projects. Yeah, I'm a long time fan.
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Lauren Rocket at The Satellite |
Check out her song: Rattlesnake
Side note: memorable 2019 sets of bands/artists (not part of this New Bands rundown): Jesse Jo Stark at The Hi Hat, headlining for Dr Martens. Sultry vocals that are backed by a power band.
12. My Top Favorite 2019 New Artists (new to me, but maybe not new to you):
Wait, you say, they're not new to you: Lizzy Land from Mating Ritual. Her songs have a hook like you won't believe.
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Lizzy Land at Madame Siam |
Check out her song: Sweet Melodies
Side note: memorable 2019 sets of bands/artists (not part of this New Bands rundown): Jr Jr at the Lodge Room handed out Peanut Butter and Jam sandwiches. Enough said.
13. My Top Favorite 2019 New Artists (new to me, but maybe not new to you):
Wait, you say, they're not new to you: Prince of Lilies features Pyn and iQueen of Barb Wire Dolls and Royal Distortion. Those two ruled the Sunset Strip for years. They're currently back in Greece, but they played a handful of sets in November at the Redwood Bar.
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Prince of Lilies at the Redwood Bar |
Check out their song: The Year I Broke
Side note: One musician that I always like to catch every year is Jenny O. It didn't happen this year. Well, I better catch her in 2020 then.
14. My Top Favorite 2019 New Artists (new to me, but maybe not new to you - alphabetical):
I happened to come across Christina Castle when she was playing with another musician, which I supposed you could say I should put her in the "Wait, you say, they're not new to you" section of this 2019 rundown. But only a couple months passed between that first moment I saw her and when I ran into her own project. When I shot her set for Buzzbands at Echo Park Rising, Shane Carpenter (local music expert) said this about her set, "The most refreshing set at Echo Park Rising and favorite pop act ever at Echo Park Rising."
Check out her song: Crazy Lover
Side note: memorable 2019 sets of bands/artists (not part of this New Bands rundown): Kate Clover at The Hi Hat, opening for Jesse Jo Stark. Kicks. A hand in my camera lens. My camera couldn't capture everything in the low lights of The Hi Hat, but that didn't stop me from getting a thrill from the set.
15. My Top Favorite 2019 New Artists (new to me, but maybe not new to you - alphabetical):
Eva Dol and The Strange TimesEva was the first band up one night at The Satellite. I believe it was her first time on stage. For someone being on stage for the first time, I was amazed at how she controlled her set.
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Eva Dol and The Strange Times at The Satellite |
Check out her song: Queen Demo
Side note: memorable 2019 sets of bands/artists (not part of this New Bands rundown): Makoto at Zebulon. I hadn't been to Zebulon in months. I decided to head over on a random night. Experimental jazz that intrigued.
16. My Top Favorite 2019 New Artists (new to me, but maybe not new to you - alphabetical):
Gracie Gray creates a beautiful atmosphere with quiet determination.
Check out her song: Morphine
Side note: memorable 2019 sets of bands/artists (not part of this New Bands rundown): Mara Connor at the Moroccan Lounge. Mara ranks as one of my favorite singer-songwriters even if she has No Fun.
17. My Top Favorite 2019 New Artists (new to me, but maybe not new to you - alphabetical):
Isla June has those cool jazz sounds that everyone needs every so often.
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Isla June at El Cid |
Check out her song: Red Moon
Side note: memorable 2019 sets of bands/artists (not part of this New Bands rundown): The Paranoyds at the Bootleg Theater. The crowd was in mosh pit high form. There were stage dives. And the band commanded the night. Kimi Recor of the band Kevin/Draemings said of the night, "The Paranoyds are the coolest and nicest band. They also make awesome music - they're the My Chemical Romance of our generation.”
18. My Top Favorite 2019 New Bands (new to me, but maybe not new to you - alphabetical):
As I mentioned before, Kills Birds was a band that Buzzbands really wanted a photographer to cover. I had never heard of them so decided to check out their music. The below song sold me and I was sending off an e-mail asking to be that photographer that got to cover the band.
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Kills Birds at the Bootleg Theater/shot for Buzzbands |
Check out their song: Ow
Side note: memorable 2019 sets of bands/artists (not part of this New Bands rundown): Potty Mouth at The Hi Hat. Little did I know that this would be the only time I'd catch my favorite band from 2017 in 2019. I do seem to run into the band members a lot though at various venues; however.
19. My Top Favorite 2019 New Bands (new to me, but maybe not new to you - alphabetical):
The Knitts have some throwback garage rock.
Check out their song: Get Up! Get Out!
Side note: most seen bands/artists of 2019. Spare Parts for Broken Hearts at 6. Kevin, Ariel Beesley and Livingmore at 5. Holy Wars at 4 (5 if you includes Kat's solo set).
20. My Top Favorite 2019 New Artists (new to me, but maybe not new to you - alphabetical):
Like every other Los Angeles music photographer, I get requests to check out bands/artists. I do try my best to catch a set. Sometimes, it might take months before I finally catch a set. Anyways, Mars Rodriguez asked if I'd check out her set at Hotel Cafe. A one person sound machine that will blast you backwards.
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Mars Rodriguez at Hotel Cafe |
Check out her song: No Estas
Side note: memorable 2019 sets of bands/artists (not part of this New Bands rundown): The Puscie Jones Revue at Lucky Strike Live. Talk about a full set of sexual energy.
21. My Top Favorite 2019 New Bands (new to me, but maybe not new to you - alphabetical):
Rambling Ways band members have carefully blended their musical instruments to create magic. I saw them 3 times this year. Correction, 2.5 times as one time I went out specifically to catch a set that was cut after maybe 3 songs.
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Rambling Ways at The Satellite |
Check out their song: Stripped To The Core
Side note: memorable 2019 sets of bands/artists (not part of this New Bands rundown): Queen Kwong at the Redwood Bar. I used to see Queen Kwong all the time. Like all the time. Then she moved to Detroit. I noticed she was playing the Redwood Bar and circled the date.
22. My Top Favorite 2019 new Bands (new to me, but maybe not new to you - alphabetical):
Strawberry Army loves to have fun on stage. Hair flings. Leg kicks. Floor sprawls. They're fascinating to see live.
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Strawberry Army at El Cid |
Check out their song: It Doesn't Matter
Side note: memorable 2019 sets of bands/artists (not part of this New Bands rundown): Ramonda Hammer at The Echo (their record release show). There's something that brings the best out of the band, their fans and the supporting bands when it comes to record release shows.
23. My Top Favorite 2019 New Bands (new to me, but maybe not new to you - alphabetical):
I first caught Suzie True at The Smell. More people should go to The Smell. Your next favorite band might be playing.
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Suzie True at The Smell |
Check out their song: Rat Kid
Side note: memorable 2019 sets of bands/artists (not part of this New Bands rundown): Run River North at the Fonda Theatre. A couple years had passed since I last saw this band. Also, 3 or 4 years had passed since I last shot at the Fonda Theatre. Perfect combination of events.
24. My Top Favorite 2019 New Artists (new to me, but maybe not new to you - alphabetical):
syd B's vocals wondered across the Chinatown Summer Nights crowd with soul chill. Two kids were up front in total love. Those kids knew their music.
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sydB at Chinatown Summer Nights |
Check out her song: Water Me
Side note: memorable 2019 sets of bands/artists (not part of this New Bands rundown): Spare Parts for Broken Hearts at The Echo (Ramonda Hammer record release show). The band always plays inspired music, but I swear something they drank gave them that little bit of extra kick for this set.
25. My Top Favorite 2019 New Bands (new to me, but maybe not new to you):
Do I have a favorite of the favorites? Yes. That would be whenyoung. Unfortunately for me, they're part of the UK Invasion, which means I'm not sure when I'll catch a set again. They remind me of all those UK pop bands that invaded the US in the 80s/90s. Maybe that thought process is helped along by the fact that they do a great cover of "Dreams" by The Cranberries. Maybe someday I'll do something crazy and fly to London to catch a set.
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whenyoung at School Night |
Check out their song: Never Let Go
Side note: memorable 2019 sets of bands/artists (not part of this New Bands rundown): Y La Bamba at The Echo. I caught the band for the first time a couple years back at Music Tastes Good. I was so enthralled that I was a little worried that catching them at The Echo would be a letdown. Wasn't going to happen.
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